Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Too Short a Leash: RIP Talbot

Some things require a short leash--men come to mind. Dogs do not. This weekend I lost a good friend of five years standing. He was in the palm of a friend's hand when I first met him, his face still black and his fangs bared at all of five weeks old. They named him Daytona; I called him Talbot for the werewolf he resembled.

Talbot died Saturday at the age of barely five years--much too soon for a Yorkie. He had visited with me as usual on Thursday night, putting his head on my chair and sighing until I picked him up. Saturday was a hectic day and the unneutered Talbot was in a playful mood, so playful that his mother put him on the front porch away from the unspayed miniature Yorkie inside.

He died there on the porch, or more correctly hanging from his leash over the edge of the elevated decking. His mother found him three hours later when she remembered to check on him. He was cold and stiff. They all cried, and so did I.

No dog deserves to die that way. Please neuter your pets...and please give them a long leash. Their lives depend on it.

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